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September 2022

Gina Dover-Jaques

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

As the season turns into Autumn

... the countryside is awash with vibrant colour from so many berries, such as Rosehips, Hawthorns, Sloes, Beech Nuts, and Blackberries. I feast on a morsel of Blackberries occasionally whilst on my daily jaunts, forever mindful that wildlife enjoys their sweet offerings too.

Two Robins either side of my garden were conversing. I am yet to know if they are singing a mating song or a rivalling song.

We had our first thunder storm last night. It was brief, but intense, yet I missed it as it did not wake me! Finally, the rain it brought gave the ground a much needed quenching.


Day 9 - visited Frisby Lakes this evening with a group of Nature & Wildlife lovers.

I will let the iphone captures speak for themselves.


Day 14 - Acorns are on the trees. It was a poor crop last year, so hoping the Oak Trees will produce a good crop this season.


Day 22 - it drizzled this evening. The waterline on the lakes was high. I decide to stop a while under the canopy of a small tree to enjoy the sound of the raindrops on the water's surface - so therapeutic.

Impressed by another local farm favouring regenerative agriculture principles

I discovered this wonderful field of Sunflowers at the beginning of the month through someone's post on social media. I just had to visit to see this spender in all its glory.

As I arrived, I was thrilled to see so many insects, particularly bees dizzy with nectar. Bees and other pollinators need our help now more than ever before, so discovering this field filled my heart with joy.

Tom and Tess, with their two children Harry and Sophie are a family run farm in Burton Lazars, within the burrough of Melton Mowbray, where I live. Farming has been in the family for 40 years or so.

Their farm is located on the edge of historic Burton Lazars in Leicestershire. The village name goes back to Burton St Lazarus when Saint Lazarus opened a Leper Hospital on a hill next to the village during the Crusades of the 12th century.

Tom and Tess produce beef, lamb and grow a range of arable crops. This uber busy family manage a farm, care for the environment, have two children, manage a beautiful Airbnb Shephard's Hut 'Drift View', whilst being passionate about protecting and promoting the Great British countryside; not to mention the best produce that British farming has to offer!

There is a place in my heart for people/families such as Tom & Tess, who care about the World in which we live, and go about their day with such passion.


Day 23 - today marks the Autumn Equinox. It is bright and mild day, and the air is invigorating.

With the shifting of the Sun's position, I decided it was high time move my cold frames to a sunnier location, and give them a spring clean. I'm sure that my herbs will appreciate the warmer, location.

I pruned some of my Lavenders that I planted last season for Pollinators, but have left those that are still in flower, and regularly enjoyed by the bees and butterflies.

As I look back at today's small, but long overdue, task, I take a moment to reflect on the light. Autumn light is low and rich. As the weeks pass it can only get better. I love the warmth of the light at this time of year, and will relish it when I go out with my camera.

Lakes, Meadows and a sleepy Canal

Talking of which, I paid a first time visit to Cossington Meadows, Lakes and Canal this evening. I immersed myself for 3 hours and ranked up 11.5k steps over a 5 mile jaunt.

I parked up in the Village, and was treated to a glorious historical houses as I made my way to Platts Lane, which leads to the meadows etc.

Cossington Village is a sleepy gem, and a must visit.

Cossington Canal on the River Soar

Cossington Lakes

To my delight, I spied a Grouse & its chick that belted off as soon as they heard me. Later on I spied what appeared to be a Barn Owl flying low over a field in the distance. Both of these two sightings are a first in real life for me, and filled my heart with delight.

For those of you that know me, yes I was in a field with horned bulls, but they were in the distance at Cossington Lakes amongst the fishermen. There is a fence between me and the bulls in the images below. I didn't realise they were bulls when I was first in the field!



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